Etheric Projection
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Etheric Projection
Etheric Projection
The etheric body, ether-body, or vital body is one of the subtle bodies in esoteric philosophies, in some religious teachings and in New Age thought. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.
The Etheric Body
According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, the etheric body, composed of four ethers, is called the "Vital Body" since the ether is the way of ingress for vital force from the Sun and the field of agencies in nature which promote such vital activities as assimilation, growth, and propagation. It is an exact counterpart of our physical body, molecule for molecule, and organ for organ, with one exception: it is of the opposite sex, meaning POLARITY. It is slightly larger, extending about one and one-half inches beyond the periphery of the physical body.
When this picture was taken. I was Focusing on moving the etheric body Across the room
If you are to understand clearly, it is essential that I lay down certain propositions anent the etheric body which should govern all the student's thinking; if they do not, he will be approaching the truth from the wrong angle; this, modern science does not do. The limitation of modern science is its lack of vision; the hope of modern science is that it does recognize truth when proven. Truth in all circumstances is essential and in this matter science gives a desirable lead, even though it ignores and despises occultism, Occult scientists handicap themselves either because of their presentation of the truth or because of a false humility. Both are equally bad.
There are six major propositions, which govern all consideration of the etheric body, and I would like to present them to students as a first step:
1. There is nothing in the manifested universe - solar, planetary or the various kingdoms in nature - which does not possess an energy form, subtle and intangible yet substantial, which controls, governs and conditions the outer physical body. This is the etheric body.
2. This energy form - underlying the solar system, the planets and all forms within their specific rings-pass-not - is itself conditioned and governed by the dominant solar or planetary energy which ceaselessly and without break in time, creates it, changes and qualifies it. The etheric body is subject to ceaseless change. This being true of the Macrocosm, is equally true of man, the microcosm, and - through the agency of humanity - will eventually and mysteriously proves true of all the subhuman kingdoms in nature. Of this, the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom are already evidences.
3. The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary Life.
4. These lines of energy and this closely interlocking system of streams of force are related to seven focal points or centres to be found within the etheric body. These centers are related, each of them, to certain types of incoming energy. When the energy reaching the etheric body is not related to a particular centre, then that centre remains quiescent and unawakened; when it is related and the centre is sensitive to its impact, then that centre becomes vibrant and receptive and develops as a controlling factor in the life of the man on the physical plane.
5. The dense physical body, composed of atoms - each with its own individual life, light and activity - is held together by and is expressive of the energies which compose the etheric body. These, as will be apparent, are of two natures:
A. The energies, which form (through interlocked "lines of forceful energy") the underlying etheric body, as a whole and in relation to all physical forms. This form is qualified then by the general life and vitality of the plane on which the Dweller in the body functions, and therefore where his consciousness is normally focused.
B. The particularized or specialized energies by which the individual (at this particular point in evolution, through the circumstances of his daily life and his heredity) chooses to govern his daily activities.
6. The etheric body has many centres of force, responsive to the manifold energies of our planetary Life, but we shall consider only the seven major centres, which respond to the inflowing energies of the seven rays. All lesser centres are conditioned by the seven major centres; this is a point which students are apt to forget. It is here that knowledge of the egoic and of the personality rays is of prime usefulness.
The Three Aspects Of The Etheric Heart
Thymus chakra can also be found within mental plane or mental body as it is known, and is the higher point within the etheric heart. Known also as the mental unit or genetic mind. Cosmic gaseous and the element is fire. The Heart chakra can also be found within the astral plane and is the middle point of the etheric heart and is known as the astral permanent atom of the astral body. Cosmic liquid and the element is water and it is known as the astral light.
The Sacred heart is also found in etheric body and is the 1st etheric ether beyond the physical plane. Known as the physical permanent atom found in the etheric body.
Etheric Projection
When a person projects their etheric body into the etheric or astral plane it is quite common to feel a rocking sensation in the physical body. It is also known to me that an etheric projector can also be seen on the physical plane, this in the past has been known as bi-location. When a person is visited by a spirit the temprature in the room may drop and you may feel a cold sensation of energy in the room. This is common with spirits but an etheric projector is not of spirit they are living and the etheric body being projected is meta-physical there fore the energy of an etheric projector is warm. Being of live physical matter. It is common however when the etheric body of an etheric projector approaches the etheric body around a physical body as the energies of the two etheric bodies blend to feel a cold sensation at first.
This is known as the telepathic bridge, it is here the telepathy is possible between the etheric projector and the physical body of the subject. These telepathic bridges between the projector and physical subject can be found on the etheric plane as lines of energy between the two subjects we also see the lines of etheric ether between us and nature this is known as the etheric web of meta physical matter surrounds all living things. Here telepathic interplay is also possible in the way of empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis.
These abilities in the physical mind are located to the Per-frontal lobes of the brain or forehead area. All wingmakers, Celestial light Beings, World Servers, and Ascended Masters are aware of these Per-frontal lobes and their abilities. Each member of the seven is very aware of these lobes and their etheric ability since we are all etheric projectors and can move across the etheric plane freely.
It must be remembered that the substance of which these etheric channels or channelling tubes are composed is planetary prana, the life-giving, health-giving energy of the planet itself. Through these tubes, however, may flow all or any of the possible energies- emotional, mental, manasic, buddhic, or atmic, according to the point in evolution which the man concerned has reached.
Once the Casual Body ( Chakra) opens these channels are revealed to the student. Placing a quartz crystal on these centres will help on the spiritaul triad and the etheric heart permanent atoms but it is best to start by placing a Herkimer Diamond over the manasic point (Sacred Heart) it will help to open the physical permanent atom, astral permanent atom, mental unit and the casual body chakra, as well as the lower point of the spiritual triad the mental permanent atom. Once the casual body chakra is open then it is safe to work with the other points in the egdic heart.
Lessons in the etheric body & Etheric Projection
Here we are going to focus our attention on the etheric body, which is used in bi-location. But first we will learn how to sense the ether body. As you know when you first learn to see auras the first thing you see is the etheric layer of the aura I thick band of white energy around the physical body. But it is it is also possible to touch the ether body. See it is the etheric body the senses things like hot and cold. So here we will focus on etheric touch and the sensation on etheric sense.
Etheric Sensing Technique
Now in this first technique you can do it alone or work with a friend. Firstly briskly rug your hands together and stimulate the hand chakras. When your hands are nice and warm stop. Now here we are going to focus on etheric sense if your working alone, but first make sure your arm is free of any obstructions if your wearing a long shelve shirt pull your shelve up on your left or right arm or put on a short shelve shirt on instead. Now to heighten your ability to sense etheric feeling we must first remove one of your physical senses so close your eyes. Now hold out your arm that you are going to use for the sensing and with your other hand move it across the other arm slowly about 1 inch from your physical body. Do not touch your physical body with your hand. You should feel a warm sensation move across your arm. If your working with a friend decided who will be sensing first and who will be touching, then change places.
Etheric Touch Technique
Now in this next technique you work alone. For this technique you need a clear surface like a table or counter top. Rub your hands briskly to stimulate the hand chakras, when your hands are warm stop. Then in your own time close your eyes and remove your sense of sight. Now in the technique your etheric sense comes into play as soon as you close your eyes, the first thing you need to do in this technique is sense the table with your etheric touch not an easy thing to do when your starting out. So try it now lower your arm and move your hand down so your hand is one inch above the table and stop it there. Once you have found the counter with your etheric touch wave your hand over the counter slowly and noticed every sensation. If you hit the top or counter before you sense it don't give up even if you failing your learning to sense things.
Etheric Motion Exercise
This technique will give you an insight into the phantom limb sensation that a person feels when they lose a limb. This technique is very hard to master so it may take you some time.
For this technique relax and get comfortable then close your eyes and remove the sense of sight. In your own time hold your hands out in front of you.
The Etheric Heart
The centers below the diaphragm, i.e., the solar plexus center, the sacral center and the center at the base of the spine, are controlled by the four ethers of the planetary physical plane; the centers above the diaphragm, i.e., the heart center, the throat center, the ajna center and the head center, are controlled by the four cosmic ethers, to which we give the names of the energies of the buddhic plane, the energies of the atmic plane, the energies of the monadic plane and the energies of the logoic plane. The First Ether flow through the Physical permenent atom of the etheric heart and then into the sacred heart chakra just below the heart chakra to the left. The Astral Permenent Atom is found in the emotional body and moves through the heart chakra. While the energy of the mental unit moves through the thymus chakra.
Spiritual Triad
Atmic permanent atom (spiritual will) is also known as Celestial Body (Emotional Aspect) and is found in the Celestial Body on the right side of the body and is associated with processes of enlightenment and is associated with the pineal Chakra or Upper Dan tien The Buddhic permanent atom (intution) is located at the lower point and is found in the Etheric Template Body. The fifth auric layer is the Etheric Template associated with aspects of the physical body and it is here that we find the blueprint of the lower etheric body ( Fourth Cosmic Ether) and where matter is shaped into the physical aspect. It is located on the right side of the physical body
The Mental permanent atom (mind) is located in Mental Body (Mental Aspect) and connects with the mind and is on the right side of physical body just above the head in the auric field.
The Gods Head
It is up from the head...
The etheric body, ether-body, or vital body is one of the subtle bodies in esoteric philosophies, in some religious teachings and in New Age thought. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.
The Etheric Body
According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, the etheric body, composed of four ethers, is called the "Vital Body" since the ether is the way of ingress for vital force from the Sun and the field of agencies in nature which promote such vital activities as assimilation, growth, and propagation. It is an exact counterpart of our physical body, molecule for molecule, and organ for organ, with one exception: it is of the opposite sex, meaning POLARITY. It is slightly larger, extending about one and one-half inches beyond the periphery of the physical body.
When this picture was taken. I was Focusing on moving the etheric body Across the room
If you are to understand clearly, it is essential that I lay down certain propositions anent the etheric body which should govern all the student's thinking; if they do not, he will be approaching the truth from the wrong angle; this, modern science does not do. The limitation of modern science is its lack of vision; the hope of modern science is that it does recognize truth when proven. Truth in all circumstances is essential and in this matter science gives a desirable lead, even though it ignores and despises occultism, Occult scientists handicap themselves either because of their presentation of the truth or because of a false humility. Both are equally bad.
There are six major propositions, which govern all consideration of the etheric body, and I would like to present them to students as a first step:
1. There is nothing in the manifested universe - solar, planetary or the various kingdoms in nature - which does not possess an energy form, subtle and intangible yet substantial, which controls, governs and conditions the outer physical body. This is the etheric body.
2. This energy form - underlying the solar system, the planets and all forms within their specific rings-pass-not - is itself conditioned and governed by the dominant solar or planetary energy which ceaselessly and without break in time, creates it, changes and qualifies it. The etheric body is subject to ceaseless change. This being true of the Macrocosm, is equally true of man, the microcosm, and - through the agency of humanity - will eventually and mysteriously proves true of all the subhuman kingdoms in nature. Of this, the animal kingdom and the vegetable kingdom are already evidences.
3. The etheric body is composed of interlocking and circulating lines of force emanating from one or other, or from one or many, of the seven planes or areas of consciousness of our planetary Life.
4. These lines of energy and this closely interlocking system of streams of force are related to seven focal points or centres to be found within the etheric body. These centers are related, each of them, to certain types of incoming energy. When the energy reaching the etheric body is not related to a particular centre, then that centre remains quiescent and unawakened; when it is related and the centre is sensitive to its impact, then that centre becomes vibrant and receptive and develops as a controlling factor in the life of the man on the physical plane.
5. The dense physical body, composed of atoms - each with its own individual life, light and activity - is held together by and is expressive of the energies which compose the etheric body. These, as will be apparent, are of two natures:
A. The energies, which form (through interlocked "lines of forceful energy") the underlying etheric body, as a whole and in relation to all physical forms. This form is qualified then by the general life and vitality of the plane on which the Dweller in the body functions, and therefore where his consciousness is normally focused.
B. The particularized or specialized energies by which the individual (at this particular point in evolution, through the circumstances of his daily life and his heredity) chooses to govern his daily activities.
6. The etheric body has many centres of force, responsive to the manifold energies of our planetary Life, but we shall consider only the seven major centres, which respond to the inflowing energies of the seven rays. All lesser centres are conditioned by the seven major centres; this is a point which students are apt to forget. It is here that knowledge of the egoic and of the personality rays is of prime usefulness.
The Three Aspects Of The Etheric Heart
Thymus chakra can also be found within mental plane or mental body as it is known, and is the higher point within the etheric heart. Known also as the mental unit or genetic mind. Cosmic gaseous and the element is fire. The Heart chakra can also be found within the astral plane and is the middle point of the etheric heart and is known as the astral permanent atom of the astral body. Cosmic liquid and the element is water and it is known as the astral light.
The Sacred heart is also found in etheric body and is the 1st etheric ether beyond the physical plane. Known as the physical permanent atom found in the etheric body.
Etheric Projection
When a person projects their etheric body into the etheric or astral plane it is quite common to feel a rocking sensation in the physical body. It is also known to me that an etheric projector can also be seen on the physical plane, this in the past has been known as bi-location. When a person is visited by a spirit the temprature in the room may drop and you may feel a cold sensation of energy in the room. This is common with spirits but an etheric projector is not of spirit they are living and the etheric body being projected is meta-physical there fore the energy of an etheric projector is warm. Being of live physical matter. It is common however when the etheric body of an etheric projector approaches the etheric body around a physical body as the energies of the two etheric bodies blend to feel a cold sensation at first.
This is known as the telepathic bridge, it is here the telepathy is possible between the etheric projector and the physical body of the subject. These telepathic bridges between the projector and physical subject can be found on the etheric plane as lines of energy between the two subjects we also see the lines of etheric ether between us and nature this is known as the etheric web of meta physical matter surrounds all living things. Here telepathic interplay is also possible in the way of empathy, telepathy, and telekinesis.
These abilities in the physical mind are located to the Per-frontal lobes of the brain or forehead area. All wingmakers, Celestial light Beings, World Servers, and Ascended Masters are aware of these Per-frontal lobes and their abilities. Each member of the seven is very aware of these lobes and their etheric ability since we are all etheric projectors and can move across the etheric plane freely.
It must be remembered that the substance of which these etheric channels or channelling tubes are composed is planetary prana, the life-giving, health-giving energy of the planet itself. Through these tubes, however, may flow all or any of the possible energies- emotional, mental, manasic, buddhic, or atmic, according to the point in evolution which the man concerned has reached.
Once the Casual Body ( Chakra) opens these channels are revealed to the student. Placing a quartz crystal on these centres will help on the spiritaul triad and the etheric heart permanent atoms but it is best to start by placing a Herkimer Diamond over the manasic point (Sacred Heart) it will help to open the physical permanent atom, astral permanent atom, mental unit and the casual body chakra, as well as the lower point of the spiritual triad the mental permanent atom. Once the casual body chakra is open then it is safe to work with the other points in the egdic heart.
Lessons in the etheric body & Etheric Projection
Here we are going to focus our attention on the etheric body, which is used in bi-location. But first we will learn how to sense the ether body. As you know when you first learn to see auras the first thing you see is the etheric layer of the aura I thick band of white energy around the physical body. But it is it is also possible to touch the ether body. See it is the etheric body the senses things like hot and cold. So here we will focus on etheric touch and the sensation on etheric sense.
Etheric Sensing Technique
Now in this first technique you can do it alone or work with a friend. Firstly briskly rug your hands together and stimulate the hand chakras. When your hands are nice and warm stop. Now here we are going to focus on etheric sense if your working alone, but first make sure your arm is free of any obstructions if your wearing a long shelve shirt pull your shelve up on your left or right arm or put on a short shelve shirt on instead. Now to heighten your ability to sense etheric feeling we must first remove one of your physical senses so close your eyes. Now hold out your arm that you are going to use for the sensing and with your other hand move it across the other arm slowly about 1 inch from your physical body. Do not touch your physical body with your hand. You should feel a warm sensation move across your arm. If your working with a friend decided who will be sensing first and who will be touching, then change places.
Etheric Touch Technique
Now in this next technique you work alone. For this technique you need a clear surface like a table or counter top. Rub your hands briskly to stimulate the hand chakras, when your hands are warm stop. Then in your own time close your eyes and remove your sense of sight. Now in the technique your etheric sense comes into play as soon as you close your eyes, the first thing you need to do in this technique is sense the table with your etheric touch not an easy thing to do when your starting out. So try it now lower your arm and move your hand down so your hand is one inch above the table and stop it there. Once you have found the counter with your etheric touch wave your hand over the counter slowly and noticed every sensation. If you hit the top or counter before you sense it don't give up even if you failing your learning to sense things.
Etheric Motion Exercise
This technique will give you an insight into the phantom limb sensation that a person feels when they lose a limb. This technique is very hard to master so it may take you some time.
For this technique relax and get comfortable then close your eyes and remove the sense of sight. In your own time hold your hands out in front of you.
The Etheric Heart
The centers below the diaphragm, i.e., the solar plexus center, the sacral center and the center at the base of the spine, are controlled by the four ethers of the planetary physical plane; the centers above the diaphragm, i.e., the heart center, the throat center, the ajna center and the head center, are controlled by the four cosmic ethers, to which we give the names of the energies of the buddhic plane, the energies of the atmic plane, the energies of the monadic plane and the energies of the logoic plane. The First Ether flow through the Physical permenent atom of the etheric heart and then into the sacred heart chakra just below the heart chakra to the left. The Astral Permenent Atom is found in the emotional body and moves through the heart chakra. While the energy of the mental unit moves through the thymus chakra.
Spiritual Triad
Atmic permanent atom (spiritual will) is also known as Celestial Body (Emotional Aspect) and is found in the Celestial Body on the right side of the body and is associated with processes of enlightenment and is associated with the pineal Chakra or Upper Dan tien The Buddhic permanent atom (intution) is located at the lower point and is found in the Etheric Template Body. The fifth auric layer is the Etheric Template associated with aspects of the physical body and it is here that we find the blueprint of the lower etheric body ( Fourth Cosmic Ether) and where matter is shaped into the physical aspect. It is located on the right side of the physical body
The Mental permanent atom (mind) is located in Mental Body (Mental Aspect) and connects with the mind and is on the right side of physical body just above the head in the auric field.
The Gods Head
It is up from the head...
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